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The Daily Routine of a Buddhist


A Buddhist should not be a Buddhist for name sake only. He/She must practically abide by the Teachings of the Buddha, only then will he be a real Buddhist. It is very hard indeed to attain the life of a human being. Meritorious deeds such as charity, morality and meditation can be performed only in the human life. In the four miserable realms, these meritorious deeds cannot be performed, because beings there have to suffer miseries all the timeHuman life is mingled with sensual pleasure and miseries, and so only a human being can strive for his deliverance from the whirlpool of miseries called Sansara. Now we have the golden chance to be born as human beings and to study, practise, and realise the teachings of the Buddha. So we should earnestly strive for becoming a real Buddhist.
On becoming a real Buddhist, one must perform the following religious tasks daily with conviction and wisdom: